Photo Credit: Anthony Bolante | PSBJ

Chris Voorhees — one of Puget Sound Business Journal’s Innovators of the Year — Sheds Light on First Mode’s Work on Earth and Beyond

Article Excerpts:

“As it works on several NASA missions, including helping with a rover for the next mission to Mars, First Mode has signed a lucrative deal with one of the world’s largest, older resource extraction companies: Anglo American plc, the South African mining giant.

Mining companies are under increasing pressure around the world to make their operations more environmentally friendly and sustainable by using less water and carbon fuels in their operations.

So, Voorhees and First Mode engineers are now working with the mining teams to develop technology that can power its ultra class trucks, those 300-ton giant vehicles that move rocks and ore around.

Anglo American and First Mode are working to replace the dirty diesel engines that power them now with a new 2.5 megawatt hydrogen fuel cell, Voorhees said. That’s the same amount of power needed for a small office or industrial building.”

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